Yahoo's Secure Search Experience with support of McAfee
Yahoo is partnering with McAfee on a system that flags potentially unsafe search results, SearchScan(BETA) helps protect you from viruses, spammy email, and potentially damaging software by identifying websites that may harm your computer.
I was quite unsure about this and this is first kind of experience, how they going to find this from the huge database, so I decided to roll out some queries in Yahoo, SEO, Search Marketing, Dubai Realestate etc... nothing came in to the screen, then had tried some more queries like Virus, Viagra etc... No ways! then last I tried with more regional focused like "Viagra in Dubai", "Virus in Dubai"
See what happens in Yahoo search result, a very well known portal from this region is caught in Yahoo SearchScan and showed red flag, litereally it will effect the Search Engine traffic to the site. I dug more in to this, why it's showed red and found the message "In our tests, we found downloads on this site that some people consider adware, spyware or other potentially unwanted programs"
More detailed analysis shows that this website, is sending regular emails in short period,
McAfee says "we've been receiving an average of less than one e-mail a week, with an average SpamAssassin score of -2"
A great notice for Marketers to protect your Brand in Search Engines!
Note: This is blog is still in his test version, You can call it BETA, BETI or Whatever....!
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